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Boat Owners Guide to Corrosion

$43.95 GST

Boat Owners Guide to Corrosion A Complete Reference for Boatowners and Marine Professionals

Corrosion is a constant, often expensive, and sometimes dangerous problem for boaters. Moisture, salt, electrical currents, and chemicals create a potent combination that can attack the metallic (and sometimes nonmetallic) parts of your boat.

Everett Collier, an expert in marine technology, details all the types of corrosion—including simple galvanic, electrochemical, and electrolytic—and explains how to identify, combat, and prevent them. The most comprehensive book on this subject,
The Boatowner’s Guide to Corrosion shows you how to:
•Prevent corrosion with proper grounding, cathodic protection, protective coatings, and careful selection and matching of metal parts
•Protect your boat’s hull, deck gear, masts, and rigging, as well as its propulsion, electrical, plumbing, and steering systems
•Recognize and cure developing corrosion before it can damage your boat

Author: Everett Collier
Paperback : 314 pages

SKU: P1032

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