The 6th Edition (2023) of the comprehensive text book used for Coxswains and Masters training at TAFE colleges.
Includes questions & answers. A useful reference book for any boat.
The 6th Edition has been updated for
- MAR Training Package (9.0) – Marine Order 505 ( 1 Jan 2023)
- NSCV Parts D & E – Marine Orders 505, 504
- WORKCOVER – Safework/Worksafe
- First Aid & Medical with Remote Assistance
- WHS, Risk Assessment
- Safety Equipment
- State (s) Boating Safety Requirements
- Distress Signals Collision Regulations
- Communications & Equipment
- Solar and Wind Power Generation
- Legislation, Australian Standards
- Live Reference Links in eBook
Author : Captain Dick gandy
Hardback : 1000 pages
SKU: P03726
This sixth boating book reflects the culmination of decades of sea experience, teaching, expert consultations and research into hundreds of books, journals, manuals and technical papers from all over the world. In this edition the reliance on these experts has been necessarily broadened. It is the product of input from wide ranging experts and manufacturers.
The book of course continues to maintain its comprehensive integrity, including buying and insuring boats, nautical terminology, boat operation, maintenance, cyclone protection, sizes of mooring lines, winches, slings, onboard work practices, electronic fuel injection, four-stroke outboards, engine beds, exhaust systems, ventilation, soundproofing, solar power, electrical installations, pumps, valves and plumbing.
As Captain Jeanine Drummond states in her testimonial: