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Wild Seas to Greenland

$65.00 GST

A Sailing Adventure with Ocean Racer Ross Field


Award-winning yachting journalist Rebecca Hayter joined Ross Field, winner of the 1994 Whitbread Round the World Yacht Race, on  a quest to sail the Northwest Passage.

“When 1994 Whitbread race winner Ross Field refitted his 20-year-old aluminium yacht for high latitude cruising, he applied Kiwi DIY, latest technology and 35 years of ocean racing experience. Rebecca Hayter, one of New Zealand’s best known yachting journalists, followed his refit in detail, then she signed on as crew for one of the world’s most dangerous oceans”

Wild Seas to Greenland has wide appeal for DIY experts, real-life and armchair adventurers will love this romp through ice-chilled waters.

Author : Rebecca Hayter

Paperback : 200 pages

SKU : P94605



Ivor Wilkins – Breeze  Magazine

“It is testament to Hayter’s writing skill that in Wild Seas to Greenland – a sailing adventure with ocean racer Ross Field she has nevertheless woven a spellbinding story of seafaring adventure with a “warhorse of the seas”.

The fact that there were no major disasters, that problems and challenges were overcome or avoided through good seamanship, careful weather-routing and sound decision-making is the story. There are lessons here that anybody contemplating offshore passage-making would do well to absorb, particularly in relation to weather strategies.”

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