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Migrant Cruising Notes- Vanuatu

$29.95 GST

A cruising yachtsman’s notes and drawings

By Phil Cregeen

Vanuatu : A cruising yachtsman’s notes and drawings by Phil Cregeen

One of a series of spiral-bound books. Vanuatu is subtitled “A Cruising Yachtsman’s Notes & Drawings.”. The drawings are simple black and white sketches, the text unpolished but engaging.

Written and compiled by Phil Cregeen, a seasoned cruising yachtsman. They offer notes and guidance based upon the author’s experiences and observations during the last few years whilst cruising the islands in his 36ft steel sloop. Include many hand-drawn maps covering the popular and less-popular beaches, coves, bays and anchorages. Titles include Fiji, the Ha’apai Group in Tonga, Vanuatu.

Both artwork and text possess the immediacy of personal experience in a part of the world still remote and unpublicised. Includes coverage of Efate island, Erromango, Tanna and Antom Islands, Epi, Ambrym, Penecost, Maewo and Ambae Islands, Espiritu Santo, Malakula and the Banks Group

Authors: Bob Tiews, Thalia Hearne, Phil Cregeen
Spiral Bound : A5

SKU: P9213

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