Described by Ken Follett as “the first modern thriller”, The Riddle of the Sands is the best-known sailing narrative and a true classic. Winston Churchill even credited it for the Admiralty’s decision to build naval bases in Scapa Flow, Invergordon and Rosyth.
Following in the adventurous tradition of H Rider Haggard, and being a clear influence on the espionage tales of John Buchan, Ian Fleming and John le Carre, The Riddle of the Sands tells the story of two young men on a sailing trip to the islands off the Dutch coast who discover a secret German naval base, and an enemy armada preparing to invade England.
With its prescient plotline and patriotic call for the nation to prepare against its foreign foes, The Riddle of the Sands has remained enduringly popular ever since it was first published in 1903.
This is an enduring classic, loved by sailors and non-sailors alike.