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Replacing Your Boat’s Electrical System

$39.95 GST

Replacing Your Boat’s Electrical System fills a gap in the market for the DIY boat builder and repairer, and for owners of older second-hand boats.

The electrical system on a boat is crucial for the operation of all manner of useful as well as critical equipment, yet a simple failure or weakness can render these systems inoperable. In older boats fatigued or damaged wiring can be problematical or even terminal, so Mike Westin shows how to replace a boat’s electrical system to ensure fault-free service.

This is a visual, hand-holding guide, concentrating on the all-important details as it explains each procedure rather than focusing on the theory (which is relegated to an appendix, for those who wish to go further).

Author : Mike Westin

Paperback : 128 pages

SKU: P69474

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