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IMOK811E MODU Code 2001 Consolidated Edition e-Book

$42.00 GST

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The Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1989 (1989 MODU
Code) was adopted by resolution A.649(16) and concerns MODUs built since 1 May 1991.
The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) adopted amendments to the 1989 MODU Code in May 1991
and decided that, to maintain compatibility with SOLAS, the amendments should become effective on 1
February 1992. Further amendments were adopted in May 1994, to introduce the Harmonized System of
Survey and Certification (HSSC) into the Code, provide guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning
systems and introduce provisions for helicopter facilities.
The Committee decided that the amendments introducing the HSSC should become effective on the
same date as the 1988 SOLAS and Load Line Protocols relating to the HSSC (i.e. 3 February 2000),
and that those providing guidelines for vessels with dynamic positioning systems and provisions for
helicopter facilities should become effective on 1 July 1994. This publication supersedes the 1979
edition and contains a consolidated text of the 1989 MODU Code and the 1991 and 1994 amendments.

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