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GP100 2023 The Astronomical Almanac, 2023

$236.50 GST

The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2023 contains a wide variety of both technical and general astronomical information. A worldwide resource for fundamental astronomical data. It’s a joint publication of the U.S. Nautical Almanac Office at the U.S. Naval Observatory and Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office in the UK, and contains data supplied by many scientists from around the world.

Contents of The Astronomical Almanac:

PHENOMENA – information on the seasons, phases of the Moon, configurations of the planets, eclipses, etc.

TIME-SCALES AND COORDINATE SYSTEMS – calendar information, relationships between time scales, universal and sidereal times, Earth rotation angle,

SUN – MOON –PLANETS – detailed positional information,

STARS AND STELLAR SYSTEMS – mean places for bright stars, double stars, UBVRI standards,

TABLES AND DATA – Julian dates, selected astronomical constants, relations between time scales,


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