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Food Safety in Shrimp Processing: A Handbook for Shrimp Processors, Importers, Exporters and Retailers

$260.00 GST

Systems of producing food in safer ways, including the use of the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system are now being adopted widely throughout the world. The ever-growing global shrimp and prawn farming and processing industries are now beginning to realise the benefits of using HACCP and other food safety measures. However, until now, there has not been one single book bringing together full details of how to implement these systems, which are now seens as making an extremely important contribution to the safe production and processing of shrimps.

The authors of this book, who have a great deal of practical experience working with industry, and teaching food safety issues, have drawn together a wealth of information and guidance for the proper implementation of food safety measures, and the consequent processing of shrimps safely for the expanding market. Included in the book is an introduction to HACCP, how to implement sanitation programs and HACCP plans, and details of sampling procedures and monitoring plans for organoleptic, physical, chemical and microbiological quality.

Food Safety in Shrimp Processing is an essential purchase for all those involved in producing and processing shrimps throughout the world. Food scientists, micribiologists and technologists in the seafood processing industry, and government regulatory and public health personnel should have a copy of this book readily at hand. All libraries in universities, colleges and research establishments where food sciences, food technology and aquaculture are studied and taught should have copies of this book on their shelves.

Authors : L Kanduri and R.A Eckhardt

Hardback : 184 pages

SKU: P31715


“The book is essential for anyone involved in the handling and processing of shrimp and prawns”
Aquaculture Magazine

“For anyone who wants, or needs to understand how HACCP principles are used in the shrimp industry…. This book gathers otherwise scattered information into one place for ease of use… Recommended.”

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