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Pacific Passage

$45.00 GST

When Thomas J. Watson, Jr. retired as chief executive officer of IBM in 1971, he began to pursue sailing, flying and exploring adventures he had dreamed about during his successful decades in business. One of the sailing and exploring adventures was a Panamato-Fiji passage through the South Pacific, and in this book he writes a charming, candid, erudite account of that sojourn in a part of the world we all dream about. A book for sailors and travelers, Pacific Passage takes us to Cocos Island, the Galapagos, Easter Island, Pitcairn, the Gambiers and Mangareva, the Tuamotus, Tahiti and Moorea, the Cook Islands, Samoa, Tonga and Fiji. And 72 color illustrations bring the lush, exotic South Seas to this book’s oversize pages with great impact.

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