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IMOK810E MODU Code 2010 (2020)Edition e-Book

$85.00 GST

The Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODU
Code) presents a major revision of the 1989 MODU Code prompted by the need to update the
provisions for helicopter facilities on MODUs following amendments by the ICAO Council in 2004.
It also contains, amongst others: clarification of differing jurisdiction and control mechanisms of port and
coastal States; changes to the provisions for casualty investigations; new provisions for means of access
and safe access to spaces; inclusion of provisions for anti-fouling systems and ballast water management;
clarification and additional requirements for remotely operated doors; provision of additional
requirements for jacking systems; new requirements to enhance personnel Safety; new requirements for
hoisting equipment.

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