“39270” is the definitive official publication of the Volvo Ocean Race 2011-12: a gruelling, nine month epic that unfolds against a backdrop of extreme oceans, tempestuous weather and spectacular host ports. “39270” provides the ultimate hard-copy keepsake of a global spectacle, compiling the very best photography from all angles of this global event.
This 11th edition of the legendary round the world race is arguably the most visually dazzling yacht race ever. Seldom has photography documented the quest to master the oceans or the ingredients of world-class sporting endeavour better or more vividly than in this Volvo Ocean Race.
From intense racing to the high emotion of life onboard and the festive atmosphere of the race villages, this magnificent fleet has captured the imagination of millions through the media. . 39270 provides the ultimate hard-copy keepsake of a global spectacle.
this book documents one of the all-time great adventures by compiling the very best photography from all angles of this global event, to tell a visual story more vividly than every before.
Author : Gavin Brown
Hardback: pages
SKU: P39270